What you need to know about the work of a proofreader

The pruder should check the translator’s work with the utmost care. Not all proofreading specialists evaluate the work of translators fairly. Some may get carried away so much that they can find fault with every word of the translator. The proofreader needs to explain why this translation is not appropriate in the text. Meanwhile, the […]

Irish language

Irish is primarily spoken in Ireland. There are also native speakers of this beautiful language in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. The largest number of Irish speakers live in Galtacht (areas in Ireland and Scotland where respectively Celtic languages ​​are preserved as everyday languages), whose inhabitants are scattered along the west coast of Ireland […]

The knot linking East and West

Anyone who has studied foreign languages ​​and russian to english knows that there may be striking similarities between them. For example, Spanish and Italian are very similar to each other on paper, and if you know one of them, you will intuitively grasp the meaning of a sentence written in the second. There is nothing surprising […]

Translation of medical documents: peculiarities of style and vocabulary

Medical translation and http://lingvanex.com/english-to-russian/ requires special attention and precision in the selection of appropriate terms and concepts. Saturation of texts with specialized word combinations with their inherent frequent use of abbreviations, Latin words, definitions greatly complicates the task of a linguist. Forming word constructions taking into account the industry specifics and the accepted norms of […]

6 myths and misconceptions about business translation

Writing a business letter in a foreign language can seem easy if you have the Internet at your disposal and the ability to call friends who speak foreign languages. However, this approach is only suitable for literal translation – it is not about rephrasing the text, making it more readable, about checking grammar, sentence structure, […]

Lost in translation: mistakes when entering foreign markets

To be successful overseas, American companies must strive to generate interest from overseas consumers. However, often when organizing marketing in foreign markets, mistakes are made that can have catastrophic consequences. Many American companies have learned the hard way that an advertising or marketing campaign that performs well in the United States may not have the […]

Five Reasons Why Software Translation Fails

Localizing a software product for foreign markets is not in itself as difficult as it might seem. However, even today, in the twenty-first century, we regularly hear about unsuccessful attempts to enter the international market. In this article, we’ll look at five main reasons why software localization can fail. If you avoid these mistakes, your […]

The humor of our ancestors over 3.5 thousand years old

Translating ancient texts written in languages ​​not used by people for thousands of years is a work of colossal complexity. Only a few specialists all over the world are engaged in such work, and they sometimes manage to reveal amazing finds. For example, scientists have recently discovered clay tablets with Akkadian inscriptions, which are about […]